Leandro, Who?

Throughout my professional career, I have always tried to develop myself and take advantage of the opportunities that were at hand. This led me to different areas, from design to marketing. Nevertheless, when I questioned myself about true happiness when working, it was through design that passion and true satisfaction were brought back to my life.

I am very proud of the persistence and the different skills I acquired to adapt to the scenarios that changed so many times. That’s why I love to consider myself an eternal learner and I’m curious to learn different skills like design, digital products, HTML, CSS, growth marketing, and SEO.

I believe in the power of education, curiosity, and willpower to take people out of their everyday routines and into fantastic places.

I also attribute my work style to my love of mountain trekking. The focus, planning, and physical and mental preparation taught me that arriving at the final destination is not so important, but the journey and your choices dictate your learnings and your experience, which is the path. In this sport, you can better understand your limits. In Design, you can find your limits too in your projects.

The Trekking and design have changed the way I see life, how we solve micro-daily-problems, step-by-step, and understand our environment.

A good professional design is an “invisible experience” or when the design is not perceived, which manages to foresee all the friction and pain of users.

Please feel free to contact me through LinkedIn. I’m always looking forward to an insightful conversation over coffee, or better yet, a trekking tour!


2021 — PRESENT
Infra-payment for the internet

Head of Design

Vindi (Locaweb:LWSA3) is the industry’s most robust ecosystem for recurring and on-time payments, powering businesses in the physical and online world and helping even more companies to scale efficiently and sustainably. TOTVS, XP, Unicef, Thomson Reuters, Doctors Without Borders, Fast Shop, Bluefit, Exame, and more than 20,000 customers use Vindi.

Responsible for hiring, evaluating, and mentoring product designers and defining design principles and UX vision. Ensure the alignment of the main products in partnership with PMs and Devs and scale the team and design processes. Build product strategy and KPIs with CTO and CPO.

As a leader, my mission is to encourage and support the team’s design process to increase maturity in the structure and in the company, transforming designers into protagonists in understanding customer pain points to build and evolve our platforms.

  • Achievements during management times:
  • PIX as a payment method on the recurrence platform;
  • Split Payment payment solution;
  • The new version of the payment page (Checkout);
  • Scale Design, with the construction and evolution of our Design System, called Prisma, developed “in-house” in the platform’s flows;
  • Dissemination of the agile culture based on metrics with facilitation meets for all structure tribes and squads;
  • All product designers build solutions and solve problems based on real customer problems;
  • Building a diverse team;
  • More strategic UX Research area for the design chapter and with strategic research for the company;
  • Vision and experience planning in the unification of 4 different platforms.

2021 — 2021 
Infra-payment for the internet

Product Design Specialist

As a product designer, I was responsible for changing the company’s business model from the SLG (Sales led-growth) model to the PLG (Product Led-growth) model. I was one of those responsible for the new activation journey with a new pricing range and improvements in the customer acquisition process. After the acquisition of the company by Locaweb: LWSA3, we focused our efforts on integrating with Yapay (today Vindi Pagamentos) to offer customers various forms of self-payment, such as credit cards, PIX, and bank slips.

Itaú Bank
2020 — 2021
Infra-payment for the internet

Product Design Strategic

Itaú is the largest private bank in Latin America and had the opportunity to participate in the main moment of digital transformation that the bank wanted to carry out as a user experience.

Conta Simples
2019 — 2020
Digital Account for SMB

CoFounder and Chief Experience Officer 

Responsible for the entire design/experience of the website, internet banking, and iOS and Android application. Responsible for marketing and customer acquisition channels with user growth from zero to 40,000 B2B customers.

For see this case study, access my porfolio.

Want to work with me or just grab a coffee? — Ping me! oi@leandrodeandrade.com

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